
Discover the Pelagic Real-Time Data Platform Capture, analyze, and visualize your data instantly with Pelagic’s seamless integration and self-describing capabilities. Say goodbye to post-processing delays and data reduction.

Discover the Pelagic Real-Time Data Platform

Pelagic delivers self-describing data in real-time, enabling immediate access and flexibility. Stream your data effortlessly to third-party tools for instant analysis, making informed decisions on the fly. Unleash the power of real-time data access with Pelagic.

Schedule a consultation today to learn how pelagic can unlock your data in real-time by filling out the form below.


White Paper: 3 Reasons Why MDA Wants FishEye’s Real-Time Tool Kit (Pelagic)

Nov 17, 2022

The Missile Defense Agency is “committed to maximizing the mission assurance and cost effectiveness of our management and operations through continuous process improvement.” 1 In a technical evaluation MDA specifically called out FishEye’s Real-time Tool Kit as a key . . .

White Paper: Avoiding Pitfalls to a Risky and Costly Real-Time System Lifecycle

Nov 17, 2022

Over their lifecycle, real-time embedded systems must expose access to data artifacts to provide critical indicators of how well these systems are performing. Such data artifacts are archived at pivotal points of execution for subsequent analysis to avoid interference with the system’s tight timeline . . .

RTTK Real-Time Platform Capabilities

Nov 17, 2022

Modern real-time systems have evolved to a complex cacophony of widely distributed, largely-isolated systems. While these modern systems expand capabilities, they add burden to inter-operate, maintain, and analyze as a whole – counter to the need to reduce costs and personnel. Two aspects that are required to monitor and control . . .
FishEye Software, Inc. has been named one of the 2024 Top Places to Work in Massachusetts in the 17th annual, employee-based survey from The Boston Globe!